


I’m Julien Perrochet, welcome to my personal blog.

Me, Myself and I!

First time here? Get a sense of how & what I write about through one of these sample posts:

Express CV

I earn a living by writing software, currently under the umbrella of my own consulting company, Open Tide.

Formerly (2020-2022), I was a Principal Software Engineer at OpenSystems, where I’ve been responsible, at different times, for build engineering, the architecture of roughly half of the data products as well as driving the engineering strategy and exploring how to optimally leverage our software capabilities.

Before that (2017-2020), I was at Sqooba.io, which was acquired by Open Systems in late 2019, doing various things that can be summed up as Backend and Data Engineering for subjects touching IoT, real-time sensor data and cyber-security.

My software engineering career really started at Tiko (2014-2017) where I first learned to build scalable backends for IoT & Smart Grids while also building low-level communication protocols.

At the very onset of my software life (2008-20013) lie the odd internship at CERN’s openlab, some weird R&D projects as well as a (failed) start-up project.

For more details, get in touch on LinkedIn, Twitter or via Open Tide’s contact information.

Why This Blog

This site is an attempt at putting some various notes and thoughts into a single place for their (hopeful) public consumption.

I bitch about quite a lot of things and don’t always have the time to explain or think things through properly: this is a public record of (some of) my opinions, so I can:

For this reason, you can expect my opinions to evolve through time, though I’ll try not to alter older content too much when that happens.


This site is relatively tech centric, as it’s one of the subjects getting the most of my daytime attention.

Another goal is to get back into writing. I held a blog about personnal online security for about two years during my studies and have fond memories about the process of writing down and publishing things that I have in my head.

There’s not much more to say: to get an idea about how and what I think, check out the things I published and subscribe to my (very occasional!) newsletter:


Think I write like a drunken toddler? please let me know on Twitter.

I’m generally respectful, but don’t forget that you can leave at any time if you don’t like what you read.

Safe browsing. And may the odds forever be in your favor.